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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
37937 tomo
0 - 0cevali
2015-04-05 18:32:07
37936 pendula
1 - 0Spalda1
2015-04-05 18:31:28
37935 SheWasOnlyXVII
8 - 9_.RMD._
2015-04-05 18:31:23
37934 facku19
1 - 2Sacha
2015-04-05 18:30:20
37933 Senad-bsc
5 - 2Murinjo
2015-04-05 18:29:52
37932 ZOLA
2 - 2anelzenun
2015-04-05 18:28:56
2 - 0paooooooooolo
2015-04-05 18:28:40
37930 ALpop
3 - 4gala
2015-04-05 18:28:17
6 - 3sabra
2015-04-05 18:27:06
37928 gokhan
5 - 3capita
2015-04-05 18:26:52
37927 mahmoudn
4 - 5ATEF
2015-04-05 18:25:55
37926 rom4ik
6 - 1Mirex
2015-04-05 18:24:11
37925 Anes
2 - 1Sylar33
2015-04-05 18:23:50
37924 nicodiaz
1 - 4Josal
2015-04-05 18:23:44
37923 Gunners
3 - 2Matiii
2015-04-05 18:23:07
37922 SeG
5 - 6barcalona
2015-04-05 18:22:10
37921 JohnK21
1 - 1alex2015
2015-04-05 18:19:42
37920 Luisma96
0 - 3MiG-23
2015-04-05 18:16:40
37919 Puh_HAX
6 - 0den
2015-04-05 18:15:36
37918 ZOLA
0 - 2anelzenun
2015-04-05 18:14:20