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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
37767 AhmedCena
2 - 6ThEkInG
2015-04-05 15:39:10
37766 Frost
10 - 8-MTM-
2015-04-05 15:37:11
37765 xt600
3 - 2Gunners
2015-04-05 15:36:56
37764 BACKOje
1 - 4Sinbad
2015-04-05 15:34:57
37763 pashkes
1 - 2nikan
2015-04-05 15:34:02
37762 Alex9
2015-04-05 15:32:14
37761 Gagi
0 - 2Miluta72
2015-04-05 15:31:03
37760 algeryano
2 - 2kamale
2015-04-05 15:30:56
37759 SeG
2 - 1soufiane
2015-04-05 15:29:57
0 - 0beva
2015-04-05 15:27:14
37757 AhmedCena
0 - 1ThEkInG
2015-04-05 15:24:31
37756 kinder90
7 - 0bmb
2015-04-05 15:24:12
37755 Mevlid
4 - 5ZOLA
2015-04-05 15:23:30
37754 Hugoo
2 - 2Spalda1
2015-04-05 15:22:37
37753 loai
1 - 2sabra
2015-04-05 15:19:42
37752 xt600
5 - 0Gunners
2015-04-05 15:17:03
37751 Alex9
2015-04-05 15:16:13
37750 SeG
3 - 1IvanAgustin
2015-04-05 15:15:24
37749 dimka97
4 - 2Virus
2015-04-05 15:15:06
37748 chan7
0 - 1Ernie
2015-04-05 15:05:06