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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
37897 TalasKafa
4 - 2SONER
2015-04-05 17:54:30
37896 mos123
4 - 4mo14
2015-04-05 17:54:23
37895 Gunners
2 - 2Gerrard
2015-04-05 17:53:50
37894 Puh_HAX
2 - 5den
2015-04-05 17:52:49
37893 MiG-23
2 - 2Lyon23
2015-04-05 17:49:48
37892 JohnK21
3 - 1alex2015
2015-04-05 17:49:43
37891 SeG
3 - 1barcalona
2015-04-05 17:48:10
37890 HolyMountain
0 - 1soufiane
2015-04-05 17:47:58
37889 ZOLA
0 - 4anelzenun
2015-04-05 17:46:39
37888 Said
2 - 1Alex9
2015-04-05 17:45:46
37887 zrinkec365
5 - 3TsuBaSa
2015-04-05 17:44:54
37886 .-.LukitasCarp._
3 - 0GermanCarp
2015-04-05 17:44:35
37885 Ahmed.Madridista
2 - 27amo
2015-04-05 17:42:30
37884 ALpop
0 - 2gala
2015-04-05 17:41:41
37883 Senad-bsc
3 - 1Murinjo
2015-04-05 17:41:12
37882 Fatih
4 - 1Skarlex
2015-04-05 17:39:37
37881 Manuln
2015-04-05 17:38:34
37880 Jure123
0 - 1limperosis
2015-04-05 17:34:52
37879 HolyMountain
0 - 1soufiane
2015-04-05 17:33:37
37878 MiG-23
2 - 2Lyon23
2015-04-05 17:33:25