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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
37875 RodriRango
1 - 4SoyYoMati
2015-04-05 17:31:07
37874 zrinkec365
3 - 2TsuBaSa
2015-04-05 17:30:48
37873 Puh_HAX
2 - 5den
2015-04-05 17:30:29
37872 anelzenun
8 - 4ZOLA
2015-04-05 17:30:24
37871 facku19
2 - 5Sacha
2015-04-05 17:30:23
37870 HULK010
2015-04-05 17:27:45
37869 algeryano
0 - 2kamale
2015-04-05 17:26:45
37868 Kaka22
3 - 4sheva
2015-04-05 17:26:45
37867 Ahmed.Madridista
4 - 17amo
2015-04-05 17:25:25
37866 ceka
3 - 1MaYsTrO
2015-04-05 17:23:21
37865 Gunners
4 - 1Gerrard
2015-04-05 17:22:34
37864 JASSEM07
2015-04-05 17:22:24
37863 Frost
1 - 0shaw
2015-04-05 17:21:19
37862 Cb06
2015-04-05 17:21:14
37861 Jure123
0 - 1limperosis
2015-04-05 17:18:51
37860 MiG-23
0 - 2Lyon23
2015-04-05 17:18:50
37859 Alex9
0 - 2Said
2015-04-05 17:18:07
37858 Dracarys
0 - 4Fatih
2015-04-05 17:17:52
37857 capita
0 - 2barcalona
2015-04-05 17:15:56
37856 zrinkec365
6 - 2TsuBaSa
2015-04-05 17:15:12