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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
38048 MvX
2 - 1NahuelElias
2015-04-05 20:21:54
38047 Elfich
4 - 4realsergio
2015-04-05 20:21:53
38046 xenoverse
1 - 2HeSHaM
2015-04-05 20:21:47
38045 tomo
2 - 0limperosis
2015-04-05 20:21:33
38044 Pablo
0 - 6Bobbi
2015-04-05 20:21:23
38043 Guardiola
2 - 1RogerArciniegas
2015-04-05 20:17:42
38042 Wolf
6 - 2crishti22
2015-04-05 20:17:37
38041 medohoba
3 - 2ahmedshta
2015-04-05 20:17:01
38040 Max-.-
0 - 1Ivan_Pes
2015-04-05 20:14:54
38039 7agar_pes
1 - 3The_Sniper
2015-04-05 20:13:36
38038 NortonRex
6 - 4Detona_Rex
2015-04-05 20:12:56
38037 Joni-Boca
1 - 2SoyYoMati
2015-04-05 20:12:55
38036 xt600
1 - 5yung_lean
2015-04-05 20:12:22
38035 Rocker_
0 - 4AYmEn00
2015-04-05 20:12:17
38034 Luiz
3 - 3kako05
2015-04-05 20:11:52
38033 Jure123
2 - 4Dwimmer9
2015-04-05 20:09:06
38032 Tamer
3 - 2Memo_said
2015-04-05 20:08:30
38031 Ahmed7
1 - 4Nemar
2015-04-05 20:08:02
4 - 3feo
2015-04-05 20:07:44
38029 sparta
4 - 5maxtorres
2015-04-05 20:07:22