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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
38085 IvanCABJ
4 - 1agusCABJ
2015-04-05 20:47:30
38084 Luiz
1 - 3SoyYoMati
2015-04-05 20:47:14
38083 DDCC7
2015-04-05 20:46:38
38082 capita
0 -
2015-04-05 20:46:30
38081 Senad-bsc
1 - 0spartakuss-bsc
2015-04-05 20:45:09
38080 elEXmatypes-.
1 - 3locoporracing22
2015-04-05 20:43:59
38079 ale.duranti
5 - 1pes6adnane
2015-04-05 20:43:51
38078 HeSHaM
2 - 1xenoverse
2015-04-05 20:42:38
38077 Pablo
1 - 1Bobbi
2015-04-05 20:42:25
38076 JuanDa
1 - 1First.DS
2015-04-05 20:42:07
38075 M.Amin
5 - 0ceka
2015-04-05 20:40:05
38074 RouTinHo
0 - 3Memo_said
2015-04-05 20:39:09
38073 limperosis
1 - 1tomo
2015-04-05 20:38:40
38072 medohoba
0 - 1Tamer
2015-04-05 20:38:26
38071 Diegol
2 - 0CJA
2015-04-05 20:38:24
38070 maty_7
4 - 2DariCai
2015-04-05 20:34:53
38069 Ahmed.Reda
2015-04-05 20:33:10
38068 Rocker_
3 - 1ThePRO
2015-04-05 20:31:50
38067 A_A
0 - 3mohmedzied
2015-04-05 20:31:39
0 - 3YaVuZiCo
2015-04-05 20:31:28