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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Player HUSOSEN31 has played 595 matches

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
3568622 HUSOSEN31
2 - 0why-so-serious
2024-11-24 13:45:36
3568618 HUSOSEN31
0 - 3why-so-serious
2024-11-24 13:38:29
3568615 HUSOSEN31
2 - 2why-so-serious
2024-11-24 13:30:11
3568613 HUSOSEN31
1 - 1why-so-serious
2024-11-24 13:22:39
3568611 HUSOSEN31
2024-11-24 13:03:48
3568262 HUSOSEN31
4 - 0robespierre
2024-11-23 22:05:32
3568252 HUSOSEN31
2 - 1robespierre
2024-11-23 21:52:02
3568236 abdenour222
0 - 1HUSOSEN31
2024-11-23 21:26:45
3568227 AMINE_guess
0 - 2HUSOSEN31
2024-11-23 21:12:22
3568006 HUSOSEN31
2 - 0--TrumPets--
2024-11-23 13:35:49
3568003 HUSOSEN31
1 - 0NORE
2024-11-23 13:24:17
3567994 PREDATOR.
7 - 4HUSOSEN31
2024-11-23 12:56:07
3567991 HUSOSEN31
1 - 1VOLT
2024-11-23 12:38:24
3566211 Lono34500
0 - 3HUSOSEN31
2024-11-20 22:00:40
3566203 Lono34500
1 - 1HUSOSEN31
2024-11-20 21:47:12
3566191 BAT33
2 - 1HUSOSEN31
2024-11-20 21:29:09
3564986 HUSOSEN31
6 - 18-_-8
2024-11-18 22:06:11
3564969 HUSOSEN31
1 - 48-_-8
2024-11-18 21:51:39
3564958 8-_-8
1 - 2HUSOSEN31
2024-11-18 21:37:14
3564941 8-_-8
3 - 3HUSOSEN31
2024-11-18 21:23:59
3564923 8-_-8
1 - 2HUSOSEN31
2024-11-18 21:08:49
3564001 HUSOSEN31
5 - 18-_-8
2024-11-17 17:39:34
3563988 HUSOSEN31
2 - 0El.Magico
2024-11-17 17:16:04
3563987 HUSOSEN31
0 - 1El.Magico
2024-11-17 17:08:23
3563982 HUSOSEN31
0 - 2El.Magico
2024-11-17 17:01:28