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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Player Vaxa has played 180 matches

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
3629129 Vaxa
2025-02-22 22:14:45
3629112 Vaxa
4 - 1DarkSoul1
2025-02-22 21:56:03
3629094 Vaxa
4 - 2Baleren
2025-02-22 21:38:31
3629061 Vaxa
1 - 2fantastik
2025-02-22 21:08:29
3629030 HUSOSEN31
1 - 3Vaxa
2025-02-22 20:30:55
3629021 HUSOSEN31
1 - 3Vaxa
2025-02-22 20:16:09
3629009 HUSOSEN31
2 - 3Vaxa
2025-02-22 20:02:02
3628944 Vaxa
6 - 4DonHector
2025-02-22 16:00:25
3628937 Vaxa
4 - 2DonHector
2025-02-22 15:40:51
3628928 Vaxa
0 - 1DonHector
2025-02-22 15:14:38
3628426 Huunreh
3 - 4Vaxa
2025-02-21 20:21:12
3628409 Huunreh
2 - 3Vaxa
2025-02-21 20:06:21
3628396 Huunreh
1 - 4Vaxa
2025-02-21 19:51:35
3628385 Huunreh
0 - 1Vaxa
2025-02-21 19:38:12
3628281 Vaxa
2025-02-21 16:27:07
3628253 Vaxa
4 - 3leabarber
2025-02-21 14:46:18
3627914 Vaxa
2 - 1amir_gad59
2025-02-20 22:16:34
3627880 Vaxa
0 - 2Dz9
2025-02-20 21:42:26
3627861 Vaxa
3 - 1tomahook19
2025-02-20 21:24:12
3627837 Vaxa
5 - 4Qadeer
2025-02-20 21:06:42
3627815 Vaxa
3 - 4Light-Star
2025-02-20 20:28:39
3627795 Vaxa
4 - 1ABDALLAH2025
2025-02-20 19:43:32
3627763 Vaxa
8 - 0sasax0
2025-02-20 18:49:00
3627755 Vaxa
6 - 2sasax0
2025-02-20 18:34:54
3627749 felo2009
2 - 5Vaxa
2025-02-20 18:17:41