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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Player Vaxa has played 186 matches

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
3627837 Vaxa
5 - 4Qadeer
2025-02-20 21:06:42
3627815 Vaxa
3 - 4Light-Star
2025-02-20 20:28:39
3627795 Vaxa
4 - 1ABDALLAH2025
2025-02-20 19:43:32
3627763 Vaxa
8 - 0sasax0
2025-02-20 18:49:00
3627755 Vaxa
6 - 2sasax0
2025-02-20 18:34:54
3627749 felo2009
2 - 5Vaxa
2025-02-20 18:17:41
3627734 ...........
0 - 3Vaxa
2025-02-20 17:46:44
3627333 Vaxa
2 - 1Hiesenberg.
2025-02-19 21:15:11
3627323 abdenour222
0 - 1Vaxa
2025-02-19 21:01:48
3627307 Vaxa
2 - 1TZLR
2025-02-19 20:39:21
3627294 Vaxa
5 - 3TZLR
2025-02-19 20:21:10
3627282 Vaxa
3 - 0TZLR
2025-02-19 20:00:06
3626706 Vaxa
4 - 0DJ2
2025-02-18 20:50:49
3626201 Vaxa
3 - 4HUSOSEN31
2025-02-18 00:06:09
3626140 AMINE_guess
0 - 3Vaxa
2025-02-17 22:48:04
3626129 AMINE_guess
0 - 4Vaxa
2025-02-17 22:34:54
3626085 Vaxa
5 - 7Nabowy
2025-02-17 21:37:10
3626067 Vaxa
2 - 1Nabowy
2025-02-17 21:17:07
3626052 Vaxa
3 - 2Nabowy
2025-02-17 21:03:16
3626036 Vaxa
0 - 1JewPimp
2025-02-17 20:43:04
3625927 EmoKerox
0 - 5Vaxa
2025-02-17 17:25:47
3625862 mohlartan
0 - 4Vaxa
2025-02-17 13:49:36
3625856 mohlartan
1 - 0Vaxa
2025-02-17 13:36:35
3625833 Vaxa
6 - 1Abu_3laa
2025-02-17 11:37:38
3625437 Vaxa
2 - 4Letogold
2025-02-16 21:17:21