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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Player beltagy has played 43 matches

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
3627917 beltagy
3 - 2Hussein_mohamed
2025-02-20 22:22:04
3627900 MEOW
4 - 2beltagy
2025-02-20 22:02:20
3627884 MEOW
5 - 1beltagy
2025-02-20 21:47:05
3627864 shet0s
6 - 0beltagy
2025-02-20 21:25:24
3626813 MenphisCP
3 - 1beltagy
2025-02-18 22:43:31
3626802 MenphisCP
2 - 0beltagy
2025-02-18 22:36:26
3624139 -.Born.Into.Pes.-
3 - 0beltagy
2025-02-14 18:11:06
3624127 -.Born.Into.Pes.-
2 - 1beltagy
2025-02-14 17:58:05
3612732 beltagy
1 - 6mohlool
2025-01-27 10:44:58
3610801 beltagy
2 - 7hssinou
2025-01-24 17:02:41
3610792 beltagy
0 - 3hssinou
2025-01-24 16:48:18
3610244 Hez
4 - 1beltagy
2025-01-23 20:04:55
3610141 Pixo
5 - 0beltagy
2025-01-23 16:29:26
3610133 beltagy
4 - 0pm_oxi
2025-01-23 16:17:49
3610118 beltagy
0 - 3Zsc-1911
2025-01-23 15:45:17
3610114 beltagy
1 - 0Zsc-1911
2025-01-23 15:32:13
3609110 beltagy
1 - 3GR_TuN
2025-01-21 22:04:28
3609099 beltagy
2 - 1GR_TuN
2025-01-21 21:50:27
3608997 beltagy
0 - 1RomeroARG
2025-01-21 20:07:27
3608972 RomeroARG
1 - 0beltagy
2025-01-21 19:37:00
3608909 beltagy
1 - 2gtavicecity
2025-01-21 17:51:21
3608887 new-page
1 - 2beltagy
2025-01-21 16:31:58
3608292 beltagy
4 - 0ZIAD-1
2025-01-20 15:36:26
3608288 ZIAD-1
2 - 1beltagy
2025-01-20 15:19:13
3608276 beltagy
2025-01-20 14:46:36