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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
43512 Rikardinho
1 - 1Socram
2015-04-11 19:52:13
43511 gon
0 - 0PirataJooni
2015-04-11 19:51:57
43510 Ale14
3 - 3Cr.YzBn1
2015-04-11 19:50:32
43509 roman
1 - 1Alvarog
2015-04-11 19:48:35
43508 BEDA
2 - 0luismani
2015-04-11 19:47:50
43507 ceka
2 - 1Me_-_Win
2015-04-11 19:46:50
43506 sebas5
0 - 3elEXmatypes-.
2015-04-11 19:46:28
43505 rom4ik
2 - 3rokki
2015-04-11 19:46:07
43504 AymanAdel
2015-04-11 19:46:01
43503 AbdoAlashry
6 - 5adnane-atm
2015-04-11 19:45:58
43502 Tevez10
4 - 0el_vicio
2015-04-11 19:45:23
43501 madacr7
2 - 3Ahmed7
2015-04-11 19:44:50
43500 nikito
0 - 0tincho
2015-04-11 19:44:10
43499 alex22
0 - 1CevTropi
2015-04-11 19:40:59
43498 BraV.--MAN--.
2015-04-11 19:40:51
43497 Savch
3 - 4First.DS
2015-04-11 19:39:37
43496 badreldeennn
2 - 3MArioFadl
2015-04-11 19:39:18
43495 Naazaa
1 - 2JuanDa
2015-04-11 19:38:29
43494 mladjo4891
1 - 0Doyal
2015-04-11 19:37:51
43493 hefny
1 - 2bedoo
2015-04-11 19:37:29