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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
43590 youssef-pro
5 - 6AYMAN
2015-04-11 20:56:26
43589 MaycoN93
1 - 2mounirdimitrov
2015-04-11 20:55:40
43588 diego72
2 - 2Alvarog
2015-04-11 20:55:04
43587 Ahmed7
2 - 1ngr
2015-04-11 20:53:12
43586 NortonRex
2 - 1Detona_Rex
2015-04-11 20:51:52
43585 Kise-Ryota
1 - 2YaracuyanosFC
2015-04-11 20:51:51
43584 gon
4 - 1emerson
2015-04-11 20:50:06
43583 Rajawi
1 - 2_-McOCaPiTaN-_
2015-04-11 20:49:11
43582 -_IbRaHiMoViC_-
2015-04-11 20:49:07
43581 papercut
1 - 0Metehanonay
2015-04-11 20:48:41
43580 ElCoty777
3 - 1alumni10
2015-04-11 20:47:58
43579 13
6 - 1dima10
2015-04-11 20:47:38
43578 tincho
0 - 1locoporracing22
2015-04-11 20:45:39
43577 TeHeViolado
2015-04-11 20:45:03
43576 T-FlanDers
1 - 0ciruLBDT
2015-04-11 20:44:28
43575 youssef-pro
0 - 1AYMAN
2015-04-11 20:43:53
43574 Nirvana.
2 - 4Bast14N
2015-04-11 20:43:45
43573 mHektor619
1 - 1JuanDa
2015-04-11 20:43:39
43572 Cebollita
0 - 2Braian.
2015-04-11 20:42:51
43571 MaycoN93
4 - 5mounirdimitrov
2015-04-11 20:42:36