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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
45057 FranNoya
4 - 5luisitoLp
2015-04-13 01:58:07
45056 Guardiola
2 - 2jas13
2015-04-13 01:57:19
45055 Rom9
7 - 2smarthing
2015-04-13 01:57:15
45054 Ahmed.Madridista
5 - 1hamode33
2015-04-13 01:57:05
45053 AmineJR
0 - 1Ahg37
2015-04-13 01:56:59
45052 Tomic44
1 - 3Dyro
2015-04-13 01:54:27
45051 Djx750
1 - 2Drugo91
2015-04-13 01:53:09
45050 Mo7amed..7amad
2 - 1el_maghraby2015
2015-04-13 01:51:10
45049 First.DS
3 - 3Galatasaray-WL
2015-04-13 01:50:56
45048 Guti
3 - 0ITachi
2015-04-13 01:50:06
45047 gon
2015-04-13 01:49:51
45046 Mancue110
1 - 2NicoAfaPesCN
2015-04-13 01:49:45
45045 xxXxHamadaxXx
1 - 27aMaMsY
2015-04-13 01:47:45
3 - 5omer
2015-04-13 01:46:58
45043 Erick
0 - 4pastore
2015-04-13 01:46:40
45042 Aminehatrick
2 - 1anasheinz
2015-04-13 01:45:54
45041 Doma
2 - 2beko
2015-04-13 01:45:40
45040 BrayanDepor
3 - 0LuisAvilez_10
2015-04-13 01:45:05
45039 FRISKY1
1 - 0Camilo
2015-04-13 01:44:24
45038 VIDAL96
2 - 2Garrita2000
2015-04-13 01:43:47