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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
45077 Joni-Boca
2 - 3GonzaloLima
2015-04-13 02:12:48
45076 ahmedkremy
3 - 1ahmedmido
2015-04-13 02:12:28
45075 BrayanDepor
1 - 2LuisAvilez_10
2015-04-13 02:09:44
45074 ramiiy
3 - 4Eber-Ampugnani
2015-04-13 02:09:36
45073 LIKE-a-BOSS
3 - 1-P-
2015-04-13 02:09:19
45072 GermanCarp
2 - 3TADEO
2015-04-13 02:09:16
45071 Walter.Cabj
3 - 2Naazaa
2015-04-13 02:08:43
45070 ITachi
1 - 4Guti
2015-04-13 02:08:03
45069 Mo7amed..7amad
1 - 2el_maghraby2015
2015-04-13 02:07:24
45068 Djx750
0 - 1Drugo91
2015-04-13 02:05:58
45067 Amire-Rojola
1 - 0 07
2015-04-13 02:04:42
45066 Mancue110
0 - 1NicoAfaPesCN
2015-04-13 02:04:19
1 - 0omer
2015-04-13 02:03:41
45064 Avenger
0 - 3bedoo
2015-04-13 02:02:27
45063 DanielV
0 - 1DonLuis
2015-04-13 02:02:26
45062 medo459medo
0 - 3gulbrto
2015-04-13 02:02:00
45061 xxXxHamadaxXx
2 - 27aMaMsY
2015-04-13 02:01:08
1 - 2Cosmos
2015-04-13 01:58:49
45059 mido2010
2 - 3-._CR7_.-
2015-04-13 01:58:48
45058 Richard-R4
4 - 0emerson
2015-04-13 01:58:47