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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
60472 kamale
1 - 1hatam
2015-04-27 23:12:04
60471 sizif
0 - 2mihovil5
2015-04-27 23:11:13
60470 alex22
3 - 0Jorge
2015-04-27 23:11:03
60469 maradona2
0 - 2casper
2015-04-27 23:10:54
60468 Sonbole
2015-04-27 23:09:41
60467 Ahmedkremy1
1 - 0_ESLAM_
2015-04-27 23:05:34
60466 wojciech
6 - 4spejsonpuc
2015-04-27 23:03:23
60465 Oraib
5 - 2Malk
2015-04-27 23:03:00
60464 daviddd
5 - 3SergioAndresMend
2015-04-27 23:02:34
60463 zeco
1 - 2MESSI2015
2015-04-27 23:00:45
60462 cvetik
2 - 2sparta
2015-04-27 22:58:54
60461 cevali
4 - 2Jure123
2015-04-27 22:58:19
60460 Nehuen123
5 - 2Leonel.Rc
2015-04-27 22:58:09
60459 sizif
0 - 2mihovil5
2015-04-27 22:58:00
60458 badreldeennn
0 - 3Kenitrawi
2015-04-27 22:57:35
60457 maradona2
2015-04-27 22:55:48
60456 A7X
1 - 0Wolf
2015-04-27 22:54:44
1 - 6IIIzErOoIII
2015-04-27 22:54:11
60454 ToRjE22
4 - 0Denis_Bml
2015-04-27 22:52:47
60453 Dinno
7 - 5Toma_1
2015-04-27 22:52:39