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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
60679 ToRjE22
3 - 2west-red
2015-04-28 21:47:48
60678 pendula
1 - 3Krimi
2015-04-28 21:46:51
60677 mohamedsh
0 - 3Troy
2015-04-28 21:44:45
60676 Senad-bsc
1 - 0OZZY
2015-04-28 21:44:30
60675 Mauroo
1 - 2ramiiy
2015-04-28 21:42:13
60674 Shot
0 - 1anatoli4
2015-04-28 21:40:28
60673 abotrika22
3 - 1asmael
2015-04-28 21:38:58
60672 nestnest
3 - 1player
2015-04-28 21:38:04
60671 Oraib
3 - 1Malk
2015-04-28 21:34:45
60670 The_Sniper
2 - 0star7oska
2015-04-28 21:34:14
60669 Gagi
3 - 2Nikolam_BSC
2015-04-28 21:29:21
60668 dursh
3 - 4mhmoed
2015-04-28 21:29:06
60667 ToRjE22
1 - 4west-red
2015-04-28 21:27:22
60666 ahmed0
2015-04-28 21:27:16
60665 NemanjaAnta
2 - 3Baad_boy
2015-04-28 21:26:43
60664 nestnest
4 - 5player
2015-04-28 21:24:50
60663 Montaser
2 - 0Fishawy
2015-04-28 21:24:22
60662 Ahmed7
4 - 0mhmd
2015-04-28 21:22:05
60661 brankoss
0 - 4Aircanada
2015-04-28 21:21:14
60660 Sonbole
1 - 2abotrika22
2015-04-28 21:20:01