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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
71462 sizif
1 - 4mihovil5
2015-05-09 01:25:03
71461 sidou
3 - 2realmadredalking
2015-05-09 01:24:43
71460 LPll
2 - 0Vadon1985
2015-05-09 01:24:10
71459 FRISKY1
3 - 1Jorge
2015-05-09 01:23:04
71458 prokyror
4 - 1STX
2015-05-09 01:23:01
71457 ENZOPO
1 - 2eliascabj12
2015-05-09 01:22:40
71456 dirazar
2015-05-09 01:21:58
71455 .TT.
0 - 2waterr
2015-05-09 01:20:53
71454 YaracuyanosFC
4 - 3Lyon23
2015-05-09 01:20:26
71453 Lauchi
1 - 3rulibj
2015-05-09 01:20:15
71452 eslam.mobark
4 - 0gadophone2
2015-05-09 01:19:56
71451 ronaldinhoxD
1 - 1tarzan
2015-05-09 01:19:13
71450 sabah
1 - 3.KinGo..
2015-05-09 01:18:36
71449 kingdoooooooom
0 - 3-EagleS
2015-05-09 01:16:55
9 - 8Blaze
2015-05-09 01:16:14
71447 JaviiVargas
2 - 0LeanSifo-LAP
2015-05-09 01:15:15
71446 agukitmaker
1 - 6LeoCaii
2015-05-09 01:14:29
71445 messi7
3 - 3JUDAS694
2015-05-09 01:13:57
71444 ITachi
0 - 2iL-LiOoN
2015-05-09 01:11:19
71443 NoWayOut
2 - 3Etherovamon
2015-05-09 01:10:28