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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
71561 ivan92
1 - 2Octavio
2015-05-09 02:45:29
71560 Saamir
4 - 1FcBarcelona
2015-05-09 02:42:04
71559 shikaa9
4 - 2HESHA
2015-05-09 02:41:03
71558 RodriMatamala
1 - 2FRISKY1
2015-05-09 02:40:22
71557 ahmedmido
5 - 6Ahmedkremy1
2015-05-09 02:40:21
71556 Pietrie
2 - 0osama123
2015-05-09 02:40:04
71555 .KinGo..
2015-05-09 02:38:54
71554 MERoO0
2 - 1sike
2015-05-09 02:38:51
71553 DIEGOLS35
1 - 3Leonardo20
2015-05-09 02:36:22
71552 saadmata
2 - 1ALmotahadi
2015-05-09 02:35:21
71551 helbertxdestruc
4 - 3rossel
2015-05-09 02:35:16
71550 sidou
1 - 0hatam
2015-05-09 02:32:50
71549 TsuBaSa
0 - 0limperosis
2015-05-09 02:30:55
71548 ale.duranti
3 - 2elroma
2015-05-09 02:30:25
71547 waterr
5 - 0hijosmios
2015-05-09 02:29:39
71546 Saamir
5 - 0FcBarcelona
2015-05-09 02:29:28
71545 MatiasUru
2 - 0humels
2015-05-09 02:29:14
71544 kingdoooooooom
2 - 3Zuckass
2015-05-09 02:27:21
71543 R9
2 - 17hEGamerLUIS
2015-05-09 02:27:14
71542 mohc1ne
1 - 0mouad101
2015-05-09 02:26:34