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Pes6Stars - Finished Matches (played where lobby friendly since Feb. 6, 2021)

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made by great man -> Marcos Flores

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
11853 Marcox456
0 - 3Robocopinho
2021-08-28 20:44:03
11852 Robocopinho
3 - 1Marcox456
2021-08-28 20:16:08
11851 entro
2 - 1amrronaldo7
2021-08-28 19:49:52
11850 Robocopinho
2 - 1Marcox456
2021-08-28 19:34:30
11849 entro
3 - 1amrronaldo7
2021-08-28 19:28:33
11848 entro
4 - 1amrronaldo7
2021-08-28 19:06:09
11847 Robocopinho
7 - 2Marcox456
2021-08-28 19:02:20
11846 entro
1 - 0amrronaldo7
2021-08-28 18:43:52
11845 Robocopinho
1 - 2Marcox456
2021-08-28 18:36:07
11844 -.-.-
1 - 2wahidtchiko1
2021-08-28 18:17:48
11843 akrem38
1 - 3HD10
2021-08-28 18:06:31
11842 -.-.-
2 - 2wahidtchiko1
2021-08-28 17:50:02
11841 -.-.-
1 - 2wahidtchiko1
2021-08-28 17:30:56
11840 charafe
3 - 0ADEM14
2021-08-28 15:32:43
11839 charafe
4 - 1ADEM14
2021-08-28 15:13:48
11838 EThiagoV
3 - 1gastigma07
2021-08-28 08:45:35
11837 EThiagoV
0 - 3gastigma07
2021-08-28 08:29:23
11836 EThiagoV
0 - 3gastigma07
2021-08-28 08:12:10
11835 EThiagoV
1 - 0gastigma07
2021-08-28 07:56:09
11834 EThiagoV
0 - 1gastigma07
2021-08-28 07:41:01