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Pes6Stars - Finished Matches (played where lobby friendly since Feb. 6, 2021)

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made by great man -> Marcos Flores

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
35206 --Romario--
1 - 1-J.O.K.E.R-
2022-10-09 00:00:03
35205 Netscapist
3 - 1Thanos21
2022-10-08 23:48:45
35204 MazenX
8 - 9mOStAfA7889
2022-10-08 23:47:21
35203 --Romario--
2 - 0-J.O.K.E.R-
2022-10-08 23:47:11
35202 Netscapist
1 - 0Thanos21
2022-10-08 23:31:59
35201 --Romario--
2 - 4-J.O.K.E.R-
2022-10-08 23:31:38
35200 MazenX
3 - 1mOStAfA7889
2022-10-08 23:23:21
35199 MazenX
1 - 0mOStAfA7889
2022-10-08 23:08:54
35198 MazenX
3 - 4mOStAfA7889
2022-10-08 22:53:43
35197 mohlool
2 - 1ALDON
2022-10-08 21:57:03
35196 mohlool
4 - 2ALDON
2022-10-08 21:41:53
35195 mohlool
4 - 2ALDON
2022-10-08 21:26:14
35194 mohlool
2 - 1ALDON
2022-10-08 21:05:07
35193 mohlool
5 - 3ALDON
2022-10-08 20:49:14
35192 mohlool
5 - 2ALDON
2022-10-08 20:26:00
35191 mohlool
1 - 0ALDON
2022-10-08 20:07:44
35190 DAN77
2022-10-08 20:03:44
35189 mohlool
2 - 4ALDON
2022-10-08 19:50:26
35188 Katakuri
3 - 2dongas
2022-10-08 19:34:53
35187 mohlool
8 - 9ALDON
2022-10-08 19:32:04