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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

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made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Player NADIR95 has played 333 matches

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
3624200 NADIR95
1 - 0sanji123344
2025-02-14 19:47:57
3624190 NADIR95
2 - 1AYOOR
2025-02-14 19:25:36
3624155 Cure
3 - 5NADIR95
2025-02-14 18:35:50
3624043 ElBoda
2 - 4NADIR95
2025-02-14 14:58:09
3624037 ElBoda
4 - 2NADIR95
2025-02-14 14:44:00
3624018 oliver-1
4 - 3NADIR95
2025-02-14 14:04:13
3623744 pulgaa
3 - 2NADIR95
2025-02-13 23:49:22
3623725 pulgaa
3 - 6NADIR95
2025-02-13 23:31:21
3623633 amir_gad59
2 - 1NADIR95
2025-02-13 22:15:44
3623612 amir_gad59
1 - 0NADIR95
2025-02-13 22:03:37
3623594 Huunreh
0 - 1NADIR95
2025-02-13 21:45:48
3623539 NADIR95
4 - 2usi
2025-02-13 20:44:10
3623511 NADIR95
3 - 0Neno00
2025-02-13 20:10:18
3623497 NADIR95
4 - 0yousef4599
2025-02-13 19:55:38
3623486 NADIR95
4 - 3-.Born.Into.Pes.-
2025-02-13 19:44:09
3623456 belhsan
4 - 1NADIR95
2025-02-13 18:52:47
3623369 Giecu
1 - 5NADIR95
2025-02-13 15:24:41
3623354 MESSI_101
1 - 3NADIR95
2025-02-13 14:25:55
3623350 NADIR95
2 - 0_Green.Mag_
2025-02-13 14:05:49
3623092 NADIR95
5 - 3-.Doflamingo.-
2025-02-13 01:12:47
3623037 NADIR95
1 - 0Scatox
2025-02-13 00:13:48
3623028 NADIR95
3 - 4Scatox
2025-02-13 00:01:55
3623014 cbaescab
0 - 3NADIR95
2025-02-12 23:37:23
3623009 cbaescab
4 - 3NADIR95
2025-02-12 23:30:23
3623003 cbaescab
4 - 3NADIR95
2025-02-12 23:11:16