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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Player Chikor.Z has played 96 matches

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
3624177 Bomzwii
1 - 2Chikor.Z
2025-02-14 19:04:37
3624168 Bomzwii
1 - 0Chikor.Z
2025-02-14 18:51:54
3624158 Chikor.Z
3 - 5AYOOR
2025-02-14 18:38:45
3624149 Chikor.Z
2 - 1AYOOR
2025-02-14 18:21:49
3624136 Chikor.Z
0 - 1AYOOR
2025-02-14 18:07:42
3623452 leo74
2 - 3Chikor.Z
2025-02-13 18:46:43
3623442 leo74
3 - 3Chikor.Z
2025-02-13 18:25:54
3623431 leo74
1 - 1Chikor.Z
2025-02-13 18:05:15
3622909 LAWLA_PES
2 - 1Chikor.Z
2025-02-12 20:31:46
3622897 LAWLA_PES
3 - 1Chikor.Z
2025-02-12 20:17:01
3622891 LAWLA_PES
0 - 1Chikor.Z
2025-02-12 20:03:03
3622882 LAWLA_PES
1 - 1Chikor.Z
2025-02-12 19:49:38
3622871 LAWLA_PES
3 - 1Chikor.Z
2025-02-12 19:34:20
3622857 LAWLA_PES
0 - 1Chikor.Z
2025-02-12 19:20:06
3622724 Chikor.Z
1 - 2u..u
2025-02-12 13:13:19
3622717 Chikor.Z
3 - 1osmlevi
2025-02-12 12:52:50
3621713 Chikor.Z
6 - 4DJ2
2025-02-10 18:25:04
3621704 Chikor.Z
1 - 2waelshetos
2025-02-10 18:04:03
3621698 Chikor.Z
1 - 4waelshetos
2025-02-10 17:48:26
3621617 Chikor.Z
0 - 2LAMPARD44
2025-02-10 12:13:18
2 - 3Chikor.Z
2025-02-09 18:59:04
3621147 Chikor.Z
3 - 2mil
2025-02-09 18:41:29
3621140 Chikor.Z
3 - 1mil
2025-02-09 18:27:10
3621134 Chikor.Z
4 - 1mil
2025-02-09 18:09:24
3621007 Penske
4 - 5Chikor.Z
2025-02-09 12:08:56