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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Player SzugoKopteR has played 70 matches

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
3625258 sebok341
2 - 4SzugoKopteR
2025-02-16 15:21:30
3625254 sebok341
0 - 2SzugoKopteR
2025-02-16 15:05:38
3625245 LEON1979
1 - 1SzugoKopteR
2025-02-16 14:34:51
3625239 LEON1979
1 - 0SzugoKopteR
2025-02-16 14:18:43
3623777 SzugoKopteR
0 - 7ADI10
2025-02-14 00:35:11
3623757 SzugoKopteR
2 - 8ADI10
2025-02-14 00:09:49
3620720 SzugoKopteR
1 - 2MatteyG
2025-02-08 23:11:13
3620560 Makos93
2 - 1SzugoKopteR
2025-02-08 20:20:28
3620543 Makos93
3 - 6SzugoKopteR
2025-02-08 20:00:27
3620510 Makos93
5 - 1SzugoKopteR
2025-02-08 19:30:58
3620483 Pavon147
2 - 1SzugoKopteR
2025-02-08 18:52:27
3618465 zelman
3 - 1SzugoKopteR
2025-02-05 17:40:19
3618004 Piwczus
1 - 1SzugoKopteR
2025-02-04 22:15:12
3617965 SzugoKopteR
1 - 1sojag11
2025-02-04 21:27:52
3617928 SzugoKopteR
3 - 3Gol89
2025-02-04 20:57:54
3617409 SzugoKopteR
4 - 1LEON1979
2025-02-03 23:00:53
3617386 SzugoKopteR
2 - 4LEON1979
2025-02-03 22:40:48
3617359 sebok341
4 - 3SzugoKopteR
2025-02-03 22:13:49
3616765 SzugoKopteR
3 - 3sojag11
2025-02-02 21:39:48
3616745 SzugoKopteR
4 - 3sojag11
2025-02-02 21:20:59
3616728 SzugoKopteR
2 - 1sojag11
2025-02-02 21:00:45
3616716 SzugoKopteR
2 - 3sojag11
2025-02-02 20:41:56
3616622 SzugoKopteR
3 - 5Doktor_Lubicz
2025-02-02 17:07:05
3616611 SzugoKopteR
6 - 5sebullo
2025-02-02 16:39:59
3616601 SzugoKopteR
3 - 1sebullo
2025-02-02 16:20:11