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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

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made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Player adilox has played 25 matches

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
3623677 ricardorjm
2 - 3adilox
2025-02-13 22:49:09
2 - 0adilox
2025-02-13 22:26:49
3621893 calldisher
4 - 0adilox
2025-02-10 22:26:04
3621633 u..u
1 - 0adilox
2025-02-10 13:32:55
3621631 u..u
3 - 1adilox
2025-02-10 13:18:09
3619898 fuckthem
1 - 0adilox
2025-02-07 20:45:14
3619894 fuckthem
2 - 0adilox
2025-02-07 20:38:01
3619237 adilox
3 - 2DrAdhoom
2025-02-06 20:41:24
3619065 adilox
2 - 2ABBAS11
2025-02-06 13:47:19
3617725 rakititch
7 - 6adilox
2025-02-04 12:33:21
3617721 rakititch
4 - 5adilox
2025-02-04 12:15:33
3617720 rakititch
4 - 1adilox
2025-02-04 12:00:44
3616600 adilox
2025-02-02 16:18:34
3615916 A.Esmat
5 - 1adilox
2025-02-01 15:42:50
3615907 A.Esmat
1 - 2adilox
2025-02-01 15:26:53
3615902 Baraa-Eyad
0 - 1adilox
2025-02-01 15:07:31
3615843 ACMILAN233
1 - 0adilox
2025-02-01 11:41:41
3614668 ZLATAN07
4 - 3adilox
2025-01-30 18:58:11
3614656 ZLATAN07
2 - 1adilox
2025-01-30 18:42:55
3614612 younesch2006
3 - 2adilox
2025-01-30 16:40:01
3614609 younesch2006
1 - 2adilox
2025-01-30 16:19:59
3614605 younesch2006
1 - 2adilox
2025-01-30 16:03:35
3614604 younesch2006
2 - 1adilox
2025-01-30 15:50:16
3614576 MasterYi
2 - 1adilox
2025-01-30 14:23:18
3614557 oliver-1
2 - 2adilox
2025-01-30 13:21:25