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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
0 - 2Bob
2015-01-28 20:19:29
4367 Sised
0 - 6Phantom
2015-01-28 20:19:23
4366 Titu10
2 - 4maxicjs18
2015-01-28 20:15:30
4365 damirtm
4 - 2Samke
2015-01-28 20:15:27
4364 sawx
3 - 1-_-ESLAM-_-
2015-01-28 20:15:13
4363 Ahmed7
4 - 4mhmd
2015-01-28 20:13:04
4362 amiros
1 - 0Live_Your_Life
2015-01-28 20:12:24
4361 Mario
3 - 2hawks
2015-01-28 20:11:38
4360 Jorges_98
2 - 3franco32
2015-01-28 20:11:12
4359 sir_alex_fergus
1 - 3hamza77
2015-01-28 20:07:54
4358 azur91
2 - 1Muni
2015-01-28 20:06:58
4357 roman
3 - 2Swansea
2015-01-28 20:06:47
4356 OZZY
2 - 1.FRANE
2015-01-28 20:05:14
4355 duzizou
2 - 0maniacx
2015-01-28 20:03:57
4354 Ami23
1 - 2AdoVilla7
2015-01-28 20:02:31
4353 Titu10
4 - 4maxicjs18
2015-01-28 20:01:03
4352 Ampooly
2015-01-28 19:59:29
4351 NozediRC
2 - 4VuleBSC
2015-01-28 19:59:13
4350 Sised
0 - 4Phantom
2015-01-28 19:59:00
4349 mada123
2 - 2OmarGamal
2015-01-28 19:55:36