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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
4577 Alvacarp14
6 - 1PikaCat
2015-01-29 04:06:42
4576 hamza77
2 - 1bodaa
2015-01-29 03:59:34
4575 .IACC.
0 - 1BraianCarp36
2015-01-29 03:56:36
4574 elsawy
5 - 7king-pro_futer
2015-01-29 03:56:21
4573 Jul1an
1 - 6NahuelElias
2015-01-29 03:55:20
4572 Musa-MKD-
5 - 2Fikata
2015-01-29 03:55:18
4571 hamza77
2 - 3bodaa
2015-01-29 03:46:04
4570 PalaAncha
3 - 0JesusPachu
2015-01-29 03:42:46
4569 medohoba
2015-01-29 03:41:09
4568 elsawy
2 - 1king-pro_futer
2015-01-29 03:37:42
4567 FamiLiarxD
0 - 0stefanogrone
2015-01-29 03:32:36
4566 PepGustavola
4 - 5Bolinha
2015-01-29 03:32:21
4565 Musa-MKD-
6 - 0Fikata
2015-01-29 03:32:02
4564 hamza77
0 - 2bodaa
2015-01-29 03:31:30
4563 elsawy
4 - 2king-pro_futer
2015-01-29 03:24:32
4562 FamiLiarxD
1 - 1stefanogrone
2015-01-29 03:23:05
4561 hamza77
1 - 4bodaa
2015-01-29 03:18:16
4560 SeZaRoOo
2015-01-29 03:16:07
4559 PepGustavola
1 - 6Bolinha
2015-01-29 03:16:00
4558 .roaa.
4 - 2ibrahim14
2015-01-29 03:15:57