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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
4489 chule
3 - 1hawks
2015-01-29 00:31:39
4488 OmAr_MarShall
2 - 1mishoalmasry
2015-01-29 00:29:51
4487 JaviiVargas
1 - 2PikaCat
2015-01-29 00:28:39
4486 Mohaned
2 - 3AYMAN
2015-01-29 00:27:38
4485 RaZZoR
3 - 1lokay
2015-01-29 00:27:24
4484 Franco_Aballay
5 - 1ROMAJC12
2015-01-29 00:27:15
4483 MarceOquey
1 - 3Titu10
2015-01-29 00:25:16
4482 COMAN
0 - 1ANToniostankov
2015-01-29 00:22:52
4481 Mildjor
1 - 4spartakuss-bsc
2015-01-29 00:22:31
1 - 2diiegocabj
2015-01-29 00:20:00
4479 Hopopa
2 - 3AdoVilla7
2015-01-29 00:19:20
4478 chule
3 - 2hawks
2015-01-29 00:16:57
4477 GauchoRZ
1 - 2Mata.bsc
2015-01-29 00:16:18
4476 Ballio
1 - 0Momen
2015-01-29 00:11:53
4475 mishoalmasry
2 - 3OmAr_MarShall
2015-01-29 00:11:19
4474 Aircanada
3 - 2Phantom
2015-01-29 00:05:56
4473 lokay
4 - 4Elvis1991
2015-01-29 00:02:34
4472 chule
0 - 3hawks
2015-01-29 00:01:50
4471 COMAN
5 - 0marin0310
2015-01-28 23:59:00
4470 diiegocabj
2015-01-28 23:56:14