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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
36472 anelzenun
0 - 1ZOLA
2015-04-04 01:00:07
36471 DIAA
3 - 5_Mimo_
2015-04-04 00:59:56
36470 Ami233
1 - 8luisgarcia10e
2015-04-04 00:59:35
36469 Hopopa.
5 - 2cryzeN
2015-04-04 00:58:57
36468 elsawy
2 - 0MahmoOd
2015-04-04 00:57:12
36467 motapod
2 - 1pastore
2015-04-04 00:56:57
36466 Lyon23
4 - 1osorio
2015-04-04 00:56:56
36465 chule
1 - 1duzizou
2015-04-04 00:55:25
36464 ITachi
1 - 2_.RMD._
2015-04-04 00:54:53
36463 CenturioN
1 - 2LucMerenda
2015-04-04 00:54:25
36462 pescba
0 - 1sanchi1989
2015-04-04 00:53:52
36461 gustavad
5 - 1LeBateleur
2015-04-04 00:52:57
36460 Elultimodiez
1 - 1Martinchels.
2015-04-04 00:52:46
36459 B.o.B
0 - 1titouaan
2015-04-04 00:52:42
36458 krstomacic
2 - 1HajdukST
2015-04-04 00:52:07
36457 FadyFadl
1 - 5islam.A.R.S
2015-04-04 00:51:23
36456 Aircanada
4 - 1Pato
2015-04-04 00:50:29
36455 Bob
4 - 3-Saif.Aljabali21-
2015-04-04 00:50:19
36454 boul7ya
0 - 3Rafik-Man
2015-04-04 00:50:04
36453 ezekiell
2 - 1danielfern53
2015-04-04 00:48:39