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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
36645 Moslem
2 - 1Hero0o0o0
2015-04-04 03:56:51
36644 ali-style
1 - 0medstyle
2015-04-04 03:55:23
36643 PanchoHormiga
2 - 2axel-kapo
2015-04-04 03:51:48
36642 Noamane18
2015-04-04 03:50:42
36641 CarlosD
2 - 1Robinson
2015-04-04 03:49:58
36640 Lyncan
2 - 3RuedaPinchada
2015-04-04 03:49:42
36639 SenteyNett
2015-04-04 03:49:23
36638 .Pirlo.
0 - 2Oraib
2015-04-04 03:47:06
36637 Joonii
1 - 0SoyYoMati
2015-04-04 03:44:45
36636 YogurtBoom
3 - 2MiG-23
2015-04-04 03:43:42
36635 zMatheus
1 - 0CandyHamster
2015-04-04 03:43:33
36634 xaxa.
1 - 2tomiarias
2015-04-04 03:42:56
36633 yamircarp
0 - 2aleehz
2015-04-04 03:41:48
36632 Moslem
4 - 0to0o0rReS
2015-04-04 03:40:12
36631 Ahmed.Reda
2 - 3gareTh-pale
2015-04-04 03:38:04
36630 Lyncan
0 - 2RuedaPinchada
2015-04-04 03:34:11
36629 GaoZIkado
2 - 2ger032
2015-04-04 03:33:13
36628 nikito
1 - 0maxiCARP
2015-04-04 03:32:40
36627 .Pirlo.
0 - 2Oraib
2015-04-04 03:32:32
36626 Cris7iaN
3 - 2RamiB17
2015-04-04 03:26:53