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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

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made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
37079 MARCO97
5 - 6Djx750
2015-04-04 19:54:43
37078 FRISKY1
1 - 8Jorge25
2015-04-04 19:53:08
37077 Juanjo-Pes6
1 - 2CJA
2015-04-04 19:52:09
37076 Rajawi
2015-04-04 19:49:30
37075 soufiane
4 - 3-.TOTTY.-
2015-04-04 19:48:39
37074 dan
0 - 1Torex
2015-04-04 19:48:23
37073 quaresma7
2 - 3Alp
2015-04-04 19:48:11
37072 Hernan2016
3 - 3Walter.Cabj
2015-04-04 19:45:17
1 - 2TheMagicMen
2015-04-04 19:43:34
37070 CamiloLievano7
1 - 3Tiagolds
2015-04-04 19:42:03
37069 -Reus-
3 - 0OMLEK
2015-04-04 19:41:05
37068 -.MaRvEL.-
2 - 5don
2015-04-04 19:40:46
37067 spejsonpuc
7 - 4grisho
2015-04-04 19:40:25
37066 tomo
2 - 3zrinkec
2015-04-04 19:38:36
37065 Gunners
1 - 0Adi
2015-04-04 19:37:30
37064 Rajawi
2015-04-04 19:35:25
37063 Andreqs
2 - 2YEYO
2015-04-04 19:35:03
37062 LeBateleur
0 - 3Matiii
2015-04-04 19:34:35
37061 daniel
3 - 1kinder_90
2015-04-04 19:34:00
37060 bebomessi
0 - 4HULK010
2015-04-04 19:32:05