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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
37266 eslam.mobark
0 - 3man
2015-04-04 23:43:16
37265 wojciech
0 - 1Adi
2015-04-04 23:43:02
37264 nahuelcayes
5 - 0Gonzaa12
2015-04-04 23:42:07
37263 Hola-Junior
1 - 2Bane_YNWA
2015-04-04 23:40:05
37262 LPll
0 - 3ManUnited
2015-04-04 23:39:49
37261 chule
3 - 1duzizou
2015-04-04 23:36:20
37260 H-Tatsuya
1 - 1JoseMFC
2015-04-04 23:36:10
37259 tarajji
1 - 2ilyesbourouh
2015-04-04 23:35:33
37258 MrHc
0 - 1Padovan
2015-04-04 23:35:33
37257 mhs
0 - 6Dejo
2015-04-04 23:35:13
37256 Aircanada
2 - 2medicinar
2015-04-04 23:34:25
37255 Jese
2015-04-04 23:32:10
37254 Gerbar
3 - 4ruscotto
2015-04-04 23:32:03
1 - 0KevinZFC
2015-04-04 23:32:00
37252 OmarAdel
2 - 3Muhammad
2015-04-04 23:30:17
37251 GermanCarp
2 - 4Marce
2015-04-04 23:29:26
37250 ceka
2 - 1DIAA
2015-04-04 23:26:12
37249 ElCoty777
2 - 1danielfern53
2015-04-04 23:25:58
37248 wojciech
0 - 5AYmEn00
2015-04-04 23:25:28
37247 mihovil5
3 - 3TsuBaSa
2015-04-04 23:24:29