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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
39219 Sergio77
1 - 4Franco
2015-04-07 01:23:09
39218 Red-1
2015-04-07 01:23:00
39217 ThePRO
0 - 2debocayyupa
2015-04-07 01:22:51
39216 Matiii
4 - 2tarajji
2015-04-07 01:22:18
39215 nachito
1 - 4IvanCABJ
2015-04-07 01:21:48
39214 FranNoya
0 - 2luisitoLp
2015-04-07 01:21:46
39213 xaxa.
0 - 1wimyns
2015-04-07 01:21:31
39212 diego72
0 - 2MvX
2015-04-07 01:20:23
39211 Mr_Momen
3 - 2Fared
2015-04-07 01:18:50
39210 Red
0 - 5-MTM-
2015-04-07 01:18:30
39209 Fidel-BJ
0 - 1SonRamirez
2015-04-07 01:18:12
39208 _ESLAM_
3 - 2ahmedkremy
2015-04-07 01:14:21
39207 Ivan_Pes
4 - 3ale.duranti
2015-04-07 01:14:07
39206 Dj_Ca7
1 - 2Smoke
2015-04-07 01:13:30
39205 Maykon
2015-04-07 01:10:14
39204 Vela11
2 - 2Senad-bsc
2015-04-07 01:10:00
39203 Javier
0 - 3marlei
2015-04-07 01:05:47
39202 DDCC7
2 - 1BuenasTardes.
2015-04-07 01:03:46
39201 Dinno
3 - 5Padovan
2015-04-07 01:02:24
39200 ronaldinhoxD
2 - 1Divaldo-BLS
2015-04-07 00:58:24