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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
39922 -ZAVALA-
5 - 0Tavo123
2015-04-07 20:15:35
39921 Jebach
2015-04-07 20:14:37
39920 hachemate
1 - 2-Black_Knight-
2015-04-07 20:14:10
39919 -Fabiio13-L.A.P
1 - 2Gus-LigaAfaPes
2015-04-07 20:14:08
0 - 2volk
2015-04-07 20:14:08
39917 Gagi
1 - 3Vanished
2015-04-07 20:14:06
39916 NekyPES
3 - 2Andreqs
2015-04-07 20:11:33
39915 king-pro_futer
1 - 3DIAA
2015-04-07 20:11:17
39914 solomon718
3 - 4FC_Chelsea
2015-04-07 20:11:12
39913 Ahmed7
1 - 0Tarek
2015-04-07 20:08:09
39912 Diego22
3 - 2GermanCarp
2015-04-07 20:07:43
39911 alex22
1 - 0Freddy22
2015-04-07 20:07:22
39910 Pablo
3 - 2nikan
2015-04-07 20:07:22
39909 mHektor619
2 - 4Max-.-
2015-04-07 20:07:19
39908 LeoMessi10
3 - 2papercut
2015-04-07 20:06:52
39907 Nika
1 - 4Leha87
2015-04-07 20:06:15
39906 Kyrie_Irving014
2 - 4BorisVS
2015-04-07 20:05:30
39905 -_IbRaHiMoViC_-
5 - 3mounirdimitrov
2015-04-07 20:04:33
39904 maty_7
1 - 0Juan777
2015-04-07 20:04:09
39903 Jebach
2015-04-07 20:04:01