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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
40235 ZagreV
0 - 1pastore
2015-04-08 01:59:10
40234 -_-Simo-_-
3 - 0 07
2015-04-08 01:58:50
40233 Rom9
1 - 2...killer....
2015-04-08 01:57:47
40232 Arelinho
3 - 5spartakuss-bsc
2015-04-08 01:56:15
40231 ENZOPO
0 - 4JadZg
2015-04-08 01:54:23
40230 gareTh-pale
6 - 7A_A
2015-04-08 01:53:13
2 - 1supajamal
2015-04-08 01:53:03
40228 nachito
3 - 1LeeitoCai16
2015-04-08 01:52:52
40227 Poli
3 - 1Mati07
2015-04-08 01:52:49
3 - 1ivan_vkci
2015-04-08 01:49:15
40225 tatinCABJ
5 - 1Gonzha_Lc
2015-04-08 01:48:38
40224 Tevez10
2 - 2Rocky
2015-04-08 01:48:03
40223 omer
2 - 1Memo_said
2015-04-08 01:47:40
40222 M.Amin
1 - 47aMaMsY
2015-04-08 01:45:30
40221 tarajji
0 - 4-the.Samurai_
2015-04-08 01:45:05
40220 Draw
2 - 1KamBa
2015-04-08 01:43:35
40219 Mildjor
1 - 0Elvis1991
2015-04-08 01:42:50
40218 TheMagicMen
0 - 1hamode33
2015-04-08 01:41:11
40217 WIDAD
1 - 3SINGO
2015-04-08 01:41:09
40216 Jul1anARG
0 - 2grisho
2015-04-08 01:38:40