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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
41039 kovmisa
1 - 2tarajji
2015-04-09 01:45:26
41038 nGG
2 - 4BACKOje
2015-04-09 01:44:43
41037 FADY
2 - 3EMAD
2015-04-09 01:44:41
41036 Sirtej
3 - 1Wenger.
2015-04-09 01:42:28
41035 Fabiio13
3 - 2Ola-k-Ase
2015-04-09 01:42:26
41034 MaycoN93
1 - 2Nahuel24
2015-04-09 01:41:44
41033 Mancue110
2015-04-09 01:41:41
41032 omer
1 - 3DIAA
2015-04-09 01:40:39
41031 GonzaloLima
3 - 3RamiB17
2015-04-09 01:38:30
41030 YoSoy
0 - 1gustavad
2015-04-09 01:37:31
41029 mido2010
2 - 3KillerR
2015-04-09 01:35:51
41028 Red-1
1 - 3ampoly
2015-04-09 01:35:34
41027 kovmisa
1 - 0tarajji
2015-04-09 01:32:37
41026 REDA31
0 - 4abotrika22
2015-04-09 01:31:53
41025 Zamalek_Ahmed
1 - 3Mr7oOk
2015-04-09 01:31:39
41024 nassim-css
2 - 3hadhoud-css
2015-04-09 01:31:04
41023 MarinhoSar
0 - 5Dinno
2015-04-09 01:29:33
41022 Fabiio13
6 - 5Ola-k-Ase
2015-04-09 01:28:58
41021 GabrielCASM15
1 - 0nikito
2015-04-09 01:27:23
41020 mahmoudn
2 - 1ATEF
2015-04-09 01:27:17