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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
42614 mHektor619
1 - 0deiby100
2015-04-10 21:38:48
42613 MiskoSD
8 - 1Pato
2015-04-10 21:38:27
42612 EdwarD
1 - 1daniel
2015-04-10 21:37:30
42611 ALmotahadi
7 - 2king-pro_futer
2015-04-10 21:36:59
42610 Luizi77
2015-04-10 21:36:44
42609 ice
3 - 3Jure123
2015-04-10 21:35:54
42608 Guille94
5 - 6soufiane
2015-04-10 21:35:07
42607 Sada-PES
2 - 6Hopopa.
2015-04-10 21:34:18
42606 NortonRex
3 - 0Detona_Rex
2015-04-10 21:31:41
42605 Kaka22
3 - 2solomon718
2015-04-10 21:31:18
42604 west-red
2 - 4SabanWelle
2015-04-10 21:30:53
42603 AhmedCena
0 - 4Me_-_Win
2015-04-10 21:29:27
42602 Alp
1 - 2_-McOCaPiTaN-_
2015-04-10 21:28:53
42601 GIO777
1 - 2Oles
2015-04-10 21:27:44
42600 maxiCARP
0 - 1tatinCABJ
2015-04-10 21:26:26
42599 AYmEn00
2015-04-10 21:24:54
42598 Semir25
1 - 2spartakuss-bsc
2015-04-10 21:22:49
42597 deo_from_zg
5 - 2nikolam
2015-04-10 21:22:25
42596 ChiCHo
5 - 2moyo
2015-04-10 21:22:19
42595 babangidapfc
1 - 2bole
2015-04-10 21:21:53