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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
43021 Enzo15
0 - 2Maicol
2015-04-11 04:21:39
43020 Joni-Boca
2 - 2SAMU
2015-04-11 04:20:35
43019 Mangawy
2 - 4bedoo
2015-04-11 04:19:19
43018 ramiiy
2 - 4franco32
2015-04-11 04:18:46
43017 ColomboJuan
1 - 4Rodd.
2015-04-11 04:18:13
43016 Mahmoudemira
2 - 5ahmedkremy
2015-04-11 04:17:43
43015 medstyle
2 - 3ali-style
2015-04-11 04:16:06
43014 ElCoty777
1 - 2stefanogrone
2015-04-11 04:15:20
43013 ZagreV
2 - 6Marco29
2015-04-11 04:09:51
4 - 5Ronaldo9Mito
2015-04-11 04:09:09
43011 DariCai
4 - 1Johnny_Orione
2015-04-11 04:08:47
43010 SAMU
1 - 2Joni-Boca
2015-04-11 04:04:57
43009 gon
1 - 2-Black_Knight-
2015-04-11 04:04:48
43008 xaxa.
3 - 1wimyns
2015-04-11 04:03:32
43007 Mangawy
2 - 1bedoo
2015-04-11 04:02:59
2 - 4Me_-_Win
2015-04-11 04:01:31
43005 ElCoty777
3 - 3stefanogrone
2015-04-11 04:01:11
43004 BerSeCk
3 - 2joao
2015-04-11 03:58:14
43003 Mildjor
2 - 1Adnan1
2015-04-11 03:57:38
43002 GermanCarp
1 - 1franco32
2015-04-11 03:57:12