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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
43750 Adnan1
1 - 4Elvis1991
2015-04-11 23:05:40
43749 Topnik14
2 - 2Almeida7
2015-04-11 23:05:25
43748 Regateador
1 - 5Propes15
2015-04-11 23:04:09
43747 PES6_4ever
3 - 4...CaMe_BaCk...
2015-04-11 23:03:15
43746 EnYel
1 - 0PirataJooni
2015-04-11 23:02:43
43745 Oscar
1 - 4Sada-BSC
2015-04-11 23:00:28
43744 -_IbRaHiMoViC_-
6 - 1the-finisher
2015-04-11 23:00:28
43743 Cr.YzBn1
1 - 0Enzo15
2015-04-11 22:59:28
43742 7agar_pes
2 - 3The_Sniper
2015-04-11 22:58:46
43741 m7md
4 - 1ADAM123
2015-04-11 22:55:29
43740 Leha87
0 - 0rom4ik
2015-04-11 22:54:57
43739 Nedved
6 - 5cr7......
2015-04-11 22:53:44
43738 Soldier
1 - 1Rocky
2015-04-11 22:53:41
43737 Axe
2 - 3feo
2015-04-11 22:53:18
43736 Lyncan
6 - 0monojade
2015-04-11 22:53:03
43735 Rafael
1 - 1Guardiola
2015-04-11 22:51:19
43734 theman
0 - 0Mo7amed.7ammad
2015-04-11 22:51:10
43733 Frederik
1 - 4sizif
2015-04-11 22:50:43
43732 nahuelcayes
2 - 1Braian.
2015-04-11 22:50:33
43731 Regateador
1 - 1Propes15
2015-04-11 22:49:04