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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

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made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
44427 Sparrow
2 - 3Oleg
2015-04-12 17:24:53
44426 youssef-pro
3 - 6_-McOCaPiTaN-_
2015-04-12 17:24:46
44425 zekagore
2 - 2prinseslam
2015-04-12 17:23:26
44424 Monofy
1 - 3AYMAN
2015-04-12 17:18:14
44423 ManchesterUnited..
3 - 3GonzaloLima
2015-04-12 17:17:12
44422 sia
0 - 3SeG
2015-04-12 17:16:52
44421 snkmaniak
4 - 3Rafik-Maystro-
2015-04-12 17:16:26
44420 -.DUDE.IM.HIGH.-
5 - 2WIDAD
2015-04-12 17:15:20
44419 LeoMFC
0 - 0.MANU.
2015-04-12 17:15:02
44418 Sparrow
1 - 2Oleg
2015-04-12 17:04:26
44417 _-McOCaPiTaN-_
2015-04-12 17:04:16
44416 sia
0 - 2SeG
2015-04-12 17:02:46
44415 ahmed.nabil
2 - 2mohamedomer
2015-04-12 17:02:05
44414 Dracarys
2 - 4Rajawi
2015-04-12 17:01:04
44413 Monofy
0 - 6AYMAN
2015-04-12 17:01:02
44412 Ahmed.Madridista
1 - 2Me_-_Win
2015-04-12 16:59:56
44411 Bad_16
1 - 1chat
2015-04-12 16:56:23
44410 LeoDesha
3 - 0Ana.El3bet
2015-04-12 16:54:52
44409 Swansea
1 - 3SoyYoMati
2015-04-12 16:54:08
44408 Elultimodiez
0 - 4FCgocella
2015-04-12 16:53:34