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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
45279 Leo
2 - 2Cebollita
2015-04-13 05:46:33
45278 pastore
4 - 0Andreqs
2015-04-13 05:44:06
45277 baluchis
2 - 1Oscar10
2015-04-13 05:42:30
45276 Diego22
0 - 0franco32
2015-04-13 05:38:33
45275 buonnanote
0 - 1ORTEGA10
2015-04-13 05:36:00
45274 ArielZettA
1 - 4DevilMaxi
2015-04-13 05:33:36
45273 -Fabiio13-L.A.P
4 - 0Banfield-LAP
2015-04-13 05:33:18
45272 NicoAfaPesCN
0 - 4Juanjo-Pes6
2015-04-13 05:32:54
45271 Mancue110
2015-04-13 05:32:30
45270 Freddy22
2 - 3Enzo78
2015-04-13 05:28:54
45269 Cebollita
2 - 1Marce
2015-04-13 05:26:04
45268 pastore
3 - 3Andreqs
2015-04-13 05:25:38
45267 Camilo
0 - 3SAMU
2015-04-13 05:23:44
45266 Juan_Andres
3 - 4YogurtBoom
2015-04-13 05:21:49
45265 -Fabiio13-L.A.P
1 - 3Banfield-LAP
2015-04-13 05:19:44
45264 Mancue110
2015-04-13 05:17:03
45263 Freddy22
1 - 1Enzo78
2015-04-13 05:14:46
45262 -.TheDanger.-
2 - 0MarcoPoloPes
2015-04-13 05:13:24
45261 Juan_Andres
3 - 0YogurtBoom
2015-04-13 05:08:06
45260 Rosiello-AKD
2 - 1franco32
2015-04-13 05:07:21