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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
49085 krstomacic
2 - 0HajdukST.
2015-04-17 04:06:20
49084 alone
1 - 1franco32
2015-04-17 04:05:17
0 - 1gon
2015-04-17 04:03:40
49082 Soldier
3 - 5Joni-Boca
2015-04-17 04:02:54
49081 MarcoPoloPes
1 - 2joao
2015-04-17 04:01:47
49080 ORTEGA10
2 - 2buonnanote
2015-04-17 04:00:46
49079 SAMU
2 - 0Javier
2015-04-17 04:00:14
49078 ElwnDelDinamo
2 - 3player8
2015-04-17 03:59:14
49077 Villa
5 - 0aguskitmaker
2015-04-17 03:58:42
49076 ronaldinhoxD
1 - 0camix
2015-04-17 03:57:47
49075 Moslem
2 - 0Hero0o0o0
2015-04-17 03:56:10
1 - 0SeG
2015-04-17 03:55:17
49073 ElLaspiUru
2015-04-17 03:54:38
49072 SantyArabexD
1 - 0Naazaa
2015-04-17 03:54:37
49071 Ivan_Pes
7 - 8visioncreativa
2015-04-17 03:53:02
49070 krstomacic
2 - 4HajdukST.
2015-04-17 03:51:08
49069 Elultimodiez
0 - 1Casanova
2015-04-17 03:49:07
49068 Tarik_RouTinho
0 - 0Oraib
2015-04-17 03:49:04
49067 MarcoPoloPes
0 - 0joao
2015-04-17 03:48:38
49066 Fabito
5 - 1sau
2015-04-17 03:48:32