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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

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made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
49560 -_IbRaHiMoViC_-
2 - 1Ad
2015-04-17 20:48:31
49559 BACKOje
4 - 4ToRjE22
2015-04-17 20:47:05
49558 Optimuse_Bml
6 - 2SaleST
2015-04-17 20:45:16
49557 T-FlanDers
3 - 4Echando1Arjona
2015-04-17 20:45:13
49556 mido2010
4 - 1.roaa.
2015-04-17 20:44:58
49555 PortoFC
3 - 2AngelDT
2015-04-17 20:42:58
49554 Freddy22
0 - 1Alejo98
2015-04-17 20:42:42
3 - 0_-McOCaPiTaN-_
2015-04-17 20:41:40
49552 YaracuyanosFC
2 - 5CarlosD
2015-04-17 20:41:04
49551 dado
2 - 2bobimkd
2015-04-17 20:39:45
49550 MarcosXeneize
1 - 2elEXmatypes-.
2015-04-17 20:35:21
49549 lil...Dizy..Dross...lil
1 - 0-_.Suarez._-
2015-04-17 20:34:29
49548 GLADIATOR_48
0 - 1snkmaniak
2015-04-17 20:34:04
1 - 0_-McOCaPiTaN-_
2015-04-17 20:33:32
49546 archi7
4 - 1Nikolam_BSC
2015-04-17 20:30:37
49545 limperosis
1 - 5Phantom
2015-04-17 20:30:34
49544 luzeeerr
2 - 2hipY10
2015-04-17 20:28:49
49543 Crni-BSC
3 - 2Celikz-Z
2015-04-17 20:26:54
49542 ApoMK
2 - 4pelemasca
2015-04-17 20:26:46
49541 Sinbad
5 - 1Grof
2015-04-17 20:26:30