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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

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made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
50189 Toma_1
6 - 4Celikz-Z
2015-04-18 11:47:28
50188 Bad_16
1 - 4chat
2015-04-18 11:44:49
50187 the-finisher
1 - 2romio
2015-04-18 11:43:29
50186 rokki
1 - 2Finish
2015-04-18 11:42:45
50185 Dimka90
1 - 3Sting
2015-04-18 11:42:20
50184 JuanMaVT15
1 - 2Dock
2015-04-18 11:42:10
50183 GIO777
0 - 8DJBios
2015-04-18 11:39:29
50182 JuanMaVT15
5 - 3Dock
2015-04-18 11:34:51
50181 ToRjE22
4 - 4Adnan1
2015-04-18 11:34:20
50180 -Saif.Aljabali21-
4 - 5mahmoudn
2015-04-18 11:29:31
50179 Bad_16
0 - 3chat
2015-04-18 11:29:27
50178 agwa
0 - 1RrAHim007
2015-04-18 11:26:36
50177 JuanMaVT15
3 - 4Dock
2015-04-18 11:24:37
50176 Eldar12
2 - 3Ahmed04
2015-04-18 11:21:40
50175 rokki
2 - 3Finish
2015-04-18 11:20:34
50174 GIO777
5 - 11DJBios
2015-04-18 11:16:42
50173 -Saif.Aljabali21-
2 - 4mahmoudn
2015-04-18 11:15:54
50172 ToRjE22
3 - 1Adnan1
2015-04-18 11:14:20
50171 Bad_16
2 - 0chat
2015-04-18 11:13:33
50170 JuanMaVT15
2 - 3Dock
2015-04-18 11:11:40