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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
50392 Ana.El3bet
1 - 3mesi
2015-04-18 16:38:51
50391 SMAiLi
3 - 5LyricsWiki
2015-04-18 16:35:06
50390 Dellamorte
0 - 0SimaKosmos
2015-04-18 16:29:11
1 - 2A.Metouali
2015-04-18 16:27:23
50388 LIKE-a-BOSS
3 - 5-P-
2015-04-18 16:26:49
50387 Capello
0 - 2JoseMourinho
2015-04-18 16:26:25
50386 heshamhazard10
4 - 5ESO
2015-04-18 16:24:53
50385 Camilo_Vergara
0 - 1LuisAvilez_10
2015-04-18 16:23:33
50384 Noamane18
4 - 0REDA31
2015-04-18 16:22:51
50383 ceka
3 - 1AdhamKamel
2015-04-18 16:22:50
1 - 0Srce
2015-04-18 16:21:18
50381 ClintEastwood
2 - 2sdasdas
2015-04-18 16:18:58
50380 hachemate
5 - 0dario03
2015-04-18 16:18:07
50379 Evra
4 - 1papercut
2015-04-18 16:17:53
50378 den
0 - 2volk
2015-04-18 16:16:05
50377 tedj16
3 - 0aminous
2015-04-18 16:15:00
2 - 1_-hicham-_
2015-04-18 16:10:25
50375 Capello
2 - 1JoseMourinho
2015-04-18 16:09:20
50374 pistolero
6 - 0Jure123
2015-04-18 16:08:16
50373 Psycho
5 - 4Ana.El3bet
2015-04-18 16:07:42