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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

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made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
50591 ManyRD
4 - 3ManCity
2015-04-18 20:55:18
50590 alex22
2 - 5alixd
2015-04-18 20:54:38
50589 HANI
1 - 2ESO
2015-04-18 20:53:54
50588 javi_martinez
1 - 1osccr7
2015-04-18 20:53:01
50587 porto
2 - 2eurotim
2015-04-18 20:51:34
50586 -_IbRaHiMoViC_-
2 - 2mouad
2015-04-18 20:50:37
50585 Noamane18
0 - 1Nemar
2015-04-18 20:46:14
50584 barx
0 - 4manshester
2015-04-18 20:46:02
50583 IsaacLuna
4 - 2LukasKapo15
2015-04-18 20:44:46
50582 Mancue110
1 - 4Gus-LigaAfaPes
2015-04-18 20:44:40
50581 sabway
1 - 510
2015-04-18 20:40:51
50580 franco32
2 - 1jordan
2015-04-18 20:40:08
50579 .MANU.
1 - 1roman
2015-04-18 20:38:54
50578 ziss
1 - 1Dangerous11
2015-04-18 20:38:21
50577 Noamane18
1 - 2Nemar
2015-04-18 20:37:50
50576 julianxeneize12
1 - 4Ale14
2015-04-18 20:36:57
50575 Oleg
2 - 1dan
2015-04-18 20:34:28
50574 ManyRD
4 - 5ManCity
2015-04-18 20:34:25
50573 NaaNoo
1 - 0RodriRango
2015-04-18 20:32:17
50572 capita
2015-04-18 20:31:28