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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
52090 ORTEGA10
1 - 0buonnanote
2015-04-20 02:43:05
52089 .-.LukitasCarp._
1 - 1SAMU
2015-04-20 02:41:44
52088 ahmedkremy
6 - 2ahmedmido
2015-04-20 02:39:29
52087 romio
5 - 1MArioFadl
2015-04-20 02:39:20
52086 bryan
0 - 1nikito
2015-04-20 02:38:16
52085 Camilo_Zamora
0 - 5Ado-Porte
2015-04-20 02:37:41
52084 JuanDa
4 - 0Chusco
2015-04-20 02:37:26
52083 islamway
1 - 0KiMoX
2015-04-20 02:36:35
52082 podro
3 - 2VLAD
2015-04-20 02:33:46
52081 NicoAfaPesCN
1 - 2nahueldominguez
2015-04-20 02:33:29
52080 LeoFigueroaa
3 - 0HernanCarp35
2015-04-20 02:33:25
52079 gareTh-pale
1 - 3EGY..HD
2015-04-20 02:32:05
52078 -_ElCaPiTaNo_-
5 - 1Moslem
2015-04-20 02:32:01
52077 Kevin077
4 - 3Rocky
2015-04-20 02:30:24
52076 PrOsaSoXelXviS
2 - 2helbert
2015-04-20 02:30:22
52075 don
3 - 3Memo_said
2015-04-20 02:29:37
1 - 4CJA
2015-04-20 02:29:14
52073 Beltrane
3 - 1Jorge
2015-04-20 02:29:00
52072 CHUCHU
2 - 1LAP-Rasinclub
2015-04-20 02:27:09
52071 Ana.El3bet
4 - 2mesi
2015-04-20 02:26:48