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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
57015 Dacha99
2015-04-24 23:26:16
57014 maradona1
1 - 4nizar-thebeast
2015-04-24 23:26:15
57013 HULK010
2 - 4ElMoDaMeR
2015-04-24 23:26:11
57012 mohame.
2 - 1saifdelpiero
2015-04-24 23:25:03
3 - 1Rubamco
2015-04-24 23:24:42
57010 eliascabj12
1 - 4SeNtAtE
2015-04-24 23:23:31
57009 ALpop
2 - 3AhmedAlwakil
2015-04-24 23:22:24
57008 ELKOKO
1 - 2Tamer
2015-04-24 23:21:57
57007 OussamaSEL
0 - 0Gamer01
2015-04-24 23:21:00
57006 Fabiio13
6 - 5_MatiCaBJ_
2015-04-24 23:20:05
57005 Cebollita
2 - 0MateLP
2015-04-24 23:19:26
57004 EslamCr7
0 - 1Ana.El3bet
2015-04-24 23:19:09
2 - 1teka22
2015-04-24 23:18:52
57002 NemanjaAnta
1 - 4damir10
2015-04-24 23:18:36
57001 Optimuse_Bml
3 - 0west-red
2015-04-24 23:18:03
57000 M.Amin
3 - 1Hamda
2015-04-24 23:16:54
56999 asmael
1 - 4Montaser
2015-04-24 23:16:32
56998 pistolero
5 - 4bhoys
2015-04-24 23:15:56
56997 saadmata
3 - 5SINGO
2015-04-24 23:15:15
56996 HAKIMM
2 - 3a3hmed4
2015-04-24 23:15:04