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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
61281 YogurtBoom
4 - 2MiG-23
2015-04-29 06:48:08
61280 Belket
0 - 3mill6
2015-04-29 06:44:21
61279 roman
4 - 2Tomas3238
2015-04-29 06:44:03
61278 CHUCHU
0 - 3CarlosLGiudice
2015-04-29 06:42:14
61277 luisitoLp
1 - 0ArielMiranda
2015-04-29 06:41:20
61276 RuedaParchada
2 - 1Davids-Bostero
2015-04-29 06:39:37
61275 sau
3 - 2sdd
2015-04-29 06:36:23
61274 ChrisPes-WL
5 - 1SeNtAtE
2015-04-29 06:34:23
61273 YogurtBoom
5 - 1MiG-23
2015-04-29 06:33:10
61272 Josal
3 - 4Rafael
2015-04-29 06:31:50
61271 R.Lewandowski
2 - 2ElwnDelDinamo
2015-04-29 06:31:46
61270 Belket
0 - 0mill6
2015-04-29 06:30:40
61269 luisitoLp
1 - 1ArielMiranda
2015-04-29 06:27:10
61268 aleehz
1 - 2EnYel
2015-04-29 06:26:55
61267 Leo
3 - 2falcao
2015-04-29 06:26:12
61266 NekyPES
0 - 4mHektor619
2015-04-29 06:25:15
61265 Poli
2 - 2berazategui
2015-04-29 06:21:19
61264 RuedaParchada
0 - 2Davids-Bostero
2015-04-29 06:18:59
61263 R.Lewandowski
2 - 1ElwnDelDinamo
2015-04-29 06:16:43
61262 GonzaloLima
4 - 3Savch
2015-04-29 06:12:43