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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
61807 aleehz
2 - 1juance
2015-04-29 22:53:30
61806 soppah
4 - 5mes
2015-04-29 22:50:22
61805 suarez_jaws
1 - 3star7oska
2015-04-29 22:49:46
61804 CamiloLievano7
2 - 0Jorge
2015-04-29 22:47:44
61803 ahmedatia
0 - 3modycr7
2015-04-29 22:46:35
61802 Mati07
2 - 2Bako
2015-04-29 22:46:21
61801 Mr.sapikal
4 - 1asmael
2015-04-29 22:46:14
4 - 0MSR
2015-04-29 22:45:50
61799 eslamronaldo
5 - 4madacr7
2015-04-29 22:44:22
61798 Mahmoudemira
3 - 0elkng
2015-04-29 22:44:01
61797 bambus
3 - 3Unofficialpage
2015-04-29 22:43:00
61796 Tomas3238
3 - 0SoyYoMati
2015-04-29 22:42:02
61795 --ALI--
2 - 4.-RMD-.
2015-04-29 22:40:14
61794 mrlhou
0 - 1ahmedm
2015-04-29 22:39:25
61793 maradona2
2015-04-29 22:38:53
61792 WAC37
0 - 2RedM
2015-04-29 22:38:37
61791 chule
3 - 2duzizou
2015-04-29 22:38:11
61790 RodriRango
1 - 8Joni-Boca
2015-04-29 22:36:35
61789 soppah
9 - 10mes
2015-04-29 22:35:29
61788 juance
2 - 0franst
2015-04-29 22:35:00