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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
62841 dado
5 - 0Pato
2015-04-30 20:58:22
62840 Oraib
5 - 3Malk
2015-04-30 20:57:35
62839 okagamal
3 - 2Nemar
2015-04-30 20:56:32
62838 YoSoy
0 - 0gustavad
2015-04-30 20:56:10
62837 soppah
5 - 3mes
2015-04-30 20:54:14
62836 sawx
1 - 1Rokai
2015-04-30 20:53:30
62835 madacr7
5 - 4eslamronaldo
2015-04-30 20:50:54
62834 Oleg
2 - 1Prosto
2015-04-30 20:48:34
62833 modyronlado
0 - 1SINGO
2015-04-30 20:47:30
62832 THEBES
1 - 2CP_danzerq17
2015-04-30 20:46:00
62831 Frederik
1 - 2Lizardoo
2015-04-30 20:44:20
62830 DENY
2 - 0Pablo
2015-04-30 20:43:53
62829 The_Sniper
3 - 2mohamedtarke
2015-04-30 20:41:30
62828 BOBEDA
0 - 1Simou-ALG34
2015-04-30 20:41:27
62827 Crazy
1 - 4ITachi
2015-04-30 20:40:29
62826 AMR22
0 - 4.-RMD-.
2015-04-30 20:40:21
62825 YoSoy
0 - 0gustavad
2015-04-30 20:40:07
2015-04-30 20:39:47
62823 Oles
2 - 3efim
2015-04-30 20:38:08
62822 ceka
2 - 0ahmedatia
2015-04-30 20:38:06